According to CNN US representatives are working on legislation to end penalties for marijuana usage. Representative Barney Frank is quoted in the article saying, “The vast amount of human activity ought to be none of the government’s business.”
I’m always taken aback when the government does something that makes sense. This is no exception.
*Note to anyone who cares. I don’t drink or smoke tobacco, so no I’m not a pot head. I just happen to think that criminalization of marijuana use is a drain on public resources, and hypocritical given its stance on alcohol and tobacco.
I have always been intrigued by the view of marijuana as a great evil, but alcohol and tobacco as okay. Rather hypocritical, indeed!
I have an ethos problem with people using drugs of any sort, but I have a conflicted opinions. I am fine with people needing medication for things and the use of marijuana seems like an appropriate use of a drug to alleviate symptoms of different problems. I suppose I have the most issue with people who think they can control the consequences after they have embibed drugs that alter their decision making abilities.
Back to your original point, it is HIGH time that the rules change. Maybe it would pass unanimously if someone brought a tasty plate of brownies?
I think that far too many people spend far too much time trying to enforce their own morality and don’t spend enough time evaluating the inconsistencies in their views.
Although I too would not “toke it up” even if it were legal, I’m no more afraid of responsible marijuana users than I am responsible alcohol, tobacco, firearm or cell phone users.