Yep, it’s the end of the year which means a ramp up in politically correct silliness. Last week I came across a website with a list of stores that were either naughty or nice depending on how they referred to their end of the years sales frenzy. Stores that used the word ‘Christmas’ were in the nice category, while those who preferred the more generic terms ‘holiday’ or ‘seasonal’ were deemed naughty. I usually don’t care too much about these things. However, something about one of the stores on the naughty struck me as particularly silly. This store had been deemed unworthy, because it referred to its Christmas Trees as Holiday Trees. I’m wondering, is there someone out there who is offended by the term Christmas Tree that isn’t offended by the term Holiday Tree? Are there people going out to buy Holiday Trees, with the expectation that the tree has nothing to do with Christmas? Or is this just more PC silliness?
2 thoughts on “It’s that time of year again”
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The term “Holiday Tree” is probably a government invention to allow trees to be placed in public buildings without having to be concerned sbout breaching the establishment clause of the First Amendment.
I personally would still be offended by a “holiday tree”. It’s not a valid function of government to be lending implied support to a Druid winter solstice ceremony. If we allow that what would be next? Next thing you know we’ll be reenacting a pagan vernal equinox ceremony and gathering “holiday eggs” on the white house lawn.
This wasn’t government though, this was private enterprise. I think most people, like you, are offended by the term holiday tree, so it seems counter intuitive for a store to actually market their trees as such.
The only group that I could come up with who might be more offended by the term Christmas Tree, would be wiccans. However, most of the wiccans I’ve ever met were pretty cool and seemed to get a kick out of Christians using pagan symbolism in their religious observances.