This is just a follow up to my recent post about Radio Talk Show Hosts.
Last week, Sean Hannity was railing against Liberals for taking General Paetreus’s name and turning it into General Betray-Us. Essentially he made the argument that Liberals have to resort to name calling because they don’t have any valid points to make against him. Later in the week, while discussing the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, one of the callers brought up Sandy Berger, at which point Sean made a point of calling him Sandy Burglar for the rest of the discussion.
All of the conservative talk show hosts seem to do this, yet they fail to see their own hypocrisy.
Ad homeniem attack as well as fallacy of emotive language. Rather than have a civilized discussion on the issues lets make fun of how your name sounds. Nener nener nener!
I’ve grown so tired of Hannity’s childish behavior that I don’t even listen to WSB for traffic in the morning because I don’t want to take the chance that I’ll accidentally leave it on that station and be greeted by Sean’s voice when I start up the truck to head home.