Back in my school days teachers were always talking about the “real world”. I always resented this term because it made me think that somehow the things I was experiencing were less real because I was in school. I am quite certain that the stress I felt then was just as real to me as the stress I feel now. It may have been different and the ramifications of poor choices are more serious, they are no more real today than they were then.
I bring this up, because it occurred to me this week just how poorly school could have prepared me for life in the “real world”, at least in certain respects. Christmas and the company recognized day off both fell on days I am normally off from work, so I did not get any extra paid time off for the holiday. I did have one vacation day that I used to make it a three day weekend. Compare that to what you get in school. The last day of classes for the district I live in was December 20th and students return to school on January 4th. 10 days off, 14 consecutive when you include the weekends. How did having two weeks off for Christmas and New Years for 13 years prepare me for real life? Quite simply it didn’t. I expect more and am disappointed by the paltry offering made available.
Though, I am planning a career in academia. That should at least get me back to the number of days off I am used to.